
How To Find Final Velocity Using Conservation Of Energy

Conservative and Nonconservative Forces

Conservative force—a force with the property that the work done in moving a particle between two points is independent of the path it takes.

Learning Objectives

Describe backdrop of conservative and nonconservative forces

Key Takeaways

Central Points

  • If a particle travels in a closed loop, the net piece of work done (the sum of the force acting along the path multiplied by the distance travelled) by a conservative forcefulness is null.
  • Conservative strength is dependent only on the position of the object. If a strength is conservative, it is possible to assign a numerical value for the potential at any point.
  • Nonconservative force transfer the energy from the arrangement in an energy form which can not be used by the strength to transfer dorsum to the object in motion.

Cardinal Terms

  • potential: A bend describing the situation where the difference in the potential energies of an object in 2 different positions depends only on those positions.

A bourgeois force is a force with the property that the work washed in moving a particle between two points is independent of the path taken. Equivalently, if a particle travels in a airtight loop, the net work done (the sum of the forcefulness acting along the path multiplied by the distance travelled) by a conservative force is nix.

A bourgeois force is dependent merely on the position of the object. If a force is conservative, information technology is possible to assign a numerical value for the potential at whatever betoken. When an object moves from one location to another, the force changes the potential energy of the object by an amount that does not depend on the path taken. Gravity and spring forces are examples of conservative forces.

If a force is non conservative, then defining a scalar potential is not possible, because taking different paths would lead to conflicting potential differences betwixt the start and end points. Nonconservative forces transfer energy from the object in movement (just like conservative strength), but they do non transfer this energy back to the potential energy of the arrangement to regain it during contrary motion. Instead, they transfer the energy from the system in an energy course which can not be used past the force to transfer it dorsum to the object in movement. Friction is one such nonconservative forcefulness.

Path Independence of Conservative Forcefulness

Piece of work done by the gravity in a closed path motion is zero. Nosotros can extend this observation to other conservative strength systems as well. We imagine a closed path motion. We imagine this closed path motion be divided in 2 motions betwixt points A and B as diagramed in Fig i. Starting from indicate A to point B and then catastrophe at signal A via two work paths named ane and 2 in the effigy. The total work by the conservative forcefulness for the round trip is zero:


Move Forth Different Paths: Move along different paths. For a bourgeois force, work done via different path is the aforementioned.


Let us now change the path for move from A to B by some other path, shown every bit path 3. Once more, the full work by the conservative forcefulness for the round trip via new road is zero: W=WAB3+Due westBA2=0.

Comparison two equations, WestAB1=WAB3. This is true for an arbitrary path. Therefore, work done for motion from A to B by conservative force along any paths are equal.

What is Potential Energy?

Potential free energy is the energy difference betwixt the energy of an object in a given position and its free energy at a reference position.

Learning Objectives

Relate the potential energy and the piece of work

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • If the work for an practical force is independent of the path, so the work done past the force is evaluated at the first and end of the trajectory of the point of awarding. This means that there is a function U(10), called a " potential ".
  • It is tradition to define the potential function with a negative sign so that positive piece of work is represented as a reduction in the potential.
  • Every conservative force gives rise to potential energy. Examples are elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy, and electrical potential energy.

Cardinal Terms

  • Coulomb force: the electrostatic force between two charges, as described by Coulomb'due south constabulary
  • potential: A curve describing the situation where the difference in the potential energies of an object in 2 different positions depends but on those positions.

Potential energy is frequently associated with restoring forces such as a spring or the force of gravity. The action of stretching the spring or lifting the mass of an object is performed by an external force that works confronting the force field of the potential. This work is stored in the force field every bit potential energy. If the external force is removed the forcefulness field acts on the body to perform the work as it moves the body back to its initial position, reducing the stretch of the jump or causing the body to fall. The more formal definition is that potential free energy is the energy difference between the energy of an object in a given position and its energy at a reference position.


Potential Energy in a Bow and Pointer: In the case of a bow and pointer, the free energy is converted from the potential energy in the archer's arm to the potential energy in the bent limbs of the bow when the string is fatigued dorsum. When the string is released, the potential energy in the bow limbs is transferred dorsum through the cord to get kinetic energy in the pointer equally it takes flight.

If the work for an applied force is independent of the path, so the work done by the force is evaluated at the outset and end of the trajectory of the signal of awarding. This means that there is a office U(10), called a "potential," that can be evaluated at the two points x(t = t 1) and x(t 2) to obtain the piece of work over any trajectory betwixt these two points. It is tradition to ascertain this function with a negative sign and then that positive work is represented as a reduction in the potential:

[latex]\begin{align} \text{Due west} &= \int_\text{C} \bf{\text{F}} \cdot \rm{\text{d}}\bf{\text{x}} = \int_{\bf{\text{ten}}(\text{t}_1)}^{\bf{\text{x}}(\text{t}_2)} \bf{\text{F}} \cdot \rm{\text{d}}\bf{\text{x}} \\& = \text{U}(\bf{\text{x}}(\text{t}_1))-\text{U}(\bf{\text{x}}(\text{t}_2)) = -\Delta \text{U}. \end{align}[/latex]

Examples of Potential Energy

There are various types of potential energy, each associated with a particular type of force. More specifically, every conservative forcefulness gives rising to potential energy. For case, the work of an elastic forcefulness is called elastic potential energy; work done by the gravitational strength is called gravitational potential energy; and work washed by the Coulomb strength is called electric potential energy.


Gravitational free energy is the potential free energy associated with gravitational force, as work is required to move objects against gravity.

Learning Objectives

Generate an equation that tin can be used to express the gravitational potential energy near the earth

Key Takeaways

Central Points

  • Gravitational potential free energy near the earth can be expressed with respect to the peak from the surface of the Earth as PE = mgh. g = gravitational acceleration (9.8m/south2). Near the surface of the World, thou tin be considered abiding.
  • Over large variations in distance, the approximation that thou is abiding is no longer valid and a general formula should be used for the potential. Information technology is given as: [latex]\text{U}(\text{r}) = \int_{\text{r}} (\text{Thousand} \frac{\text{m} \text{M}}{\text{r}'^two}) \text{dr}' = -\text{G} \frac{\text{thou} \text{Chiliad}}{\text{r}}\ + \text{K}.[/latex].
  • Choosing the convention that the constant of integration K=0 assumes that the potential at infinity is defined to exist 0.

Central Terms

  • conservative strength: A force with the holding that the work done in moving a particle between ii points is independent of the path taken.

Gravitational energy is the potential energy associated with gravitational forcefulness (a conservative forcefulness), as piece of work is required to drag objects confronting Earth'southward gravity. The potential energy due to elevated positions is chosen gravitational potential energy, evidenced, for case, past water held in an elevated reservoir or behind a dam (as an example, shows Hoover Dam). If an object falls from one point to another bespeak inside a gravitational field, the force of gravity volition exercise positive work on the object, and the gravitational potential energy will decrease by the same amount.


Hoover Dam: Hoover dam uses the stored gravitational potential energy to generate electricity.

Potential Virtually World

Gravitational potential energy nigh the Earth can exist expressed with respect to the meridian from the surface of the World. (The surface will be the zero signal of the potential energy. ) Nosotros tin express the potential free energy (gravitational potential free energy) as:

[latex]\text{PE} = \text{m} \text{1000} \text{h}[/latex],

where PE = potential energy measured in joules (J), m = mass of the object (measured in kg), and h = perpendicular height from the reference point (measured in m); g = gravitational acceleration (nine.8m/south2). Near the surface of the Earth, g tin be considered constant.

Full general Formula

However, over large variations in distance, the approximation that g is constant is no longer valid. Instead, we must utilize calculus and the full general mathematical definition of work to make up one's mind gravitational potential energy. For the computation of the potential energy nosotros can integrate the gravitational force, whose magnitude is given by Newton's law of gravitation (with respect to the distance r between the two bodies). Using that definition, the gravitational potential energy of a system of masses m and M at a altitude r using gravitational constant Thou is:

[latex]\text{U}(\text{r}) = \int_{\text{r}} (\text{Yard} \frac{\text{one thousand} \text{M}}{\text{r}'^2}) \text{dr}' = -\text{G} \frac{\text{m} \text{M}}{\text{r}}\ + \text{K},[/latex]

where K is the constant of integration. Choosing the convention that M=0 makes calculations simpler, admitting at the cost of making U negative. For this choice, the potential at infinity is defined as 0.


When a spring is stretched/compressed from its equilibrium position by x, its potential energy is give as [latex]\text{U} = \frac{1}{ii} \text{kx}^2[/latex].

Learning Objectives

Explicate how potential energy is stored in springs

Key Takeaways

Central Points

  • The displacement of leap x is unremarkably measured from the position of "neutral length " or "relaxed length". Frequently, information technology is well-nigh convenient to identify this position as the origin of coordinate reference (10=0).
  • If the block is gently released from the stretched position (x = xf), free energy conservation tells us that [latex]\frac{1}{2} \text{m} \text{v}^2 + \frac{1}{2}\text{k} \text{x}^two \\ = \frac{1}{2} \text{k} \text{x}_\text{f}^ii = \text{constant}.[/latex].
  • If the block is released from the stretched position (x=xf), past the time the block reaches ten=0 position, its speed will exist [latex]\text{5}(\text{ten}=0) =\sqrt{\frac{\text{k}}{\text{m}}}\text{ten}_\text{f}[/latex]. The block volition keep oscillating betwixt ten = -xf and xf.

Key Terms

  • Hooke's law: the principle that the stress applied to a solid is straight proportional to the strain produced. This law describes the behavior of springs and solids stressed within their elastic limit.
  • conservative strength: A force with the property that the work done in moving a particle between 2 points is independent of the path taken.

Spring force is bourgeois force, given by the Hooke'southward law: F = -kx, where k is spring constant, measured experimentally for a item jump and x is the displacement. We would like to obtain an expression for the work washed to the spring. From the conservation of mechanical energy (Bank check our Cantlet on "Conservation of Mechanical Energy), the work should be equal to the potential energy stored in spring. The displacement 10 is commonly measured from the position of "neutral length" or "relaxed length" – the length of leap corresponding to situation when spring is neither stretched nor compressed. We shall identify this position as the origin of coordinate reference (10=0).


Hooke's Law: Plot of practical strength F vs. elongation X for a helical spring co-ordinate to Hooke's law (solid line) and what the actual plot might look like (dashed line). Red is used extension, blue for pinch. At bottom, schematic pictures of leap states corresponding to some points of the plot; the middle one is in the relaxed land (no forcefulness practical).

Permit x = 0 and 10 = xf (>0) exist the initial and final positions of the cake attached to the string. As the block slowly moves, we do work W on the leap: [latex]\text{Due west} = \int_{0}^{\text{x}_\text{f}} (\text{kx}) \text{dx} = \frac{i}{2} \text{k} \text{x}_\text{f}^2[/latex]. When we stretch the spring. We have to apply strength in the same direction as the displacement. (Technically, work is given as the inner production of the ii vectors: force and displacement.[latex]\text{W} = \bf{\text{F}}\cdot \Delta \bf{\text{10}}[/latex]). Therefore, the overall sign in the integral is +, not -.

If the block is gently released from the stretched position (x = tenf), the stored potential free energy in the jump volition get-go to be converted to the kinetic energy of the block, and vice versa. Neglecting frictional forces, Mechanical energy conservation demands that, at whatsoever point during its motion,[latex]\begin{align} \text{Full ~Energy} &= \frac{i}{2} \text{m} \text{v}^2 + \frac{i}{2}\text{thou} \text{x}^2 \\ &= \frac{ane}{two} \text{m} \text{10}_\text{f}^2 = \text{constant}. \end{align}[/latex]

From the energy conservation, we tin can estimate that, by the time the block reaches 10=0 position, its speed will exist [latex]\text{v}(\text{ten}=0) =\sqrt{\frac{\text{k}}{\text{grand}}}\text{x}_\text{f}[/latex]. The block will continue oscillating between 10 = -xf and xf.

Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Conservation of mechanical energy states that the mechanical energy of an isolated system remains constant without friction.

Learning Objectives

Formulate the principle of the conservation of the mechanical free energy

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • The conservation of mechanical energy can exist written equally "KE + PE = const".
  • Though free energy cannot be created nor destroyed in an isolated arrangement, it can be internally converted to any other course of energy.
  • In a arrangement that experiences only bourgeois forces, in that location is a potential energy associated with each force, and the energy merely changes course betwixt KE and various types of PE, with the total free energy remaining constant.

Key Terms

  • conservation: A detail measurable property of an isolated physical system does not change as the system evolves.
  • isolated organisation: A system that does not interact with its surroundings, that is, its full energy and mass stay constant.
  • frictional forcefulness: Frictional forcefulness is the strength resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other.

Conservation of mechanical free energy states that the mechanical free energy of an isolated organization remains constant in time, as long every bit the arrangement is free of all frictional forces. In any real state of affairs, frictional forces and other non-conservative forces are always present, merely in many cases their furnishings on the organization are and so minor that the principle of conservation of mechanical free energy tin exist used equally a fair approximation. An case of a such a organization is shown in. Though free energy cannot be created nor destroyed in an isolated system, it tin can be internally converted to whatever other class of energy.


A Mechanical Arrangement: An instance of a mechanical arrangement: A satellite is orbiting the Globe only influenced by the conservative gravitational forcefulness and the mechanical energy is therefore conserved. This acceleration is represented by a dark-green acceleration vector and the velocity is represented by a cherry-red velocity vector.


Let us consider what form the piece of work -free energy theorem takes when only conservative forces are involved (leading us to the conservation of energy principle). The work-energy theorem states that the internet work washed past all forces acting on a organization equals its change in kinetic energy (KE). In equation form, this is:

[latex]\text{Westward}_{\text{cyberspace}} = \frac{1}{2} \text{mv}^2 - \frac{1}{2} \text{m} \text{5}_0^2 = \Delta \text{KE}[/latex].

If only conservative forces act, then Westwardnet=Wc, where Wc is the total work done by all conservative forces. Thus, Due westc = ΔKE.,

Now, if the conservative force, such as the gravitational force or a spring force, does work, the system loses potential energy (PE). That is, Wc = −PE. Therefore,

[latex]-\Delta \text{PE} = \Delta \text{KE}[/latex].

This equation means that the total kinetic and potential energy is constant for any process involving only conservative forces. That is,

[latex]\text{KE} + \text{PE} = \text{const}[/latex] or [latex]\text{KE}_\text{i} + \text{PE}_\text{i} = \text{KE}_\text{f} + \text{PE}_\text{f}[/latex],

where i and f denote initial and final values. This equation is a form of the work-free energy theorem for conservative forces; it is known as the conservation of mechanical energy principle.

Remember that the constabulary applies to the extent that all the forces are conservative, so that friction is negligible. The full kinetic plus potential energy of a system is defined to be its mechanical energy (KE+PE). In a organization that experiences only conservative forces, there is a potential energy associated with each forcefulness, and the energy only changes form between KE and various types of PE (with the total energy remaining constant).

Conservation of Mechanical Energy: Worked instance.

Problem Solving With the Conservation of Energy

To solve a conservation of energy problem determine the system of interest, employ law of conservation of energy, and solve for the unknown.

Learning Objectives

Place steps necessary to solve a conservation of energy problem

Central Takeaways

Cardinal Points

  • If you know the potential energies for the forces that enter into the problem, so forces are all conservative, and you can use conservation of mechanical energy simply in terms of potential and kinetic energy. The equation expressing conservation of energy is: KEi+PEi=KEf+PEf.
  • If yous know the potential energy for only some of the forces, then the conservation of energy police force in its about general grade must be used: KEi+PEi+Westwardnc+OEi=KEf+PEf+OEf, where OE stands for all other energies.
  • In one case you accept solved a problem, always check the answer to run into if information technology is reasonable.

Key Terms

  • kinetic energy: The energy possessed by an object because of its motion, equal to one half the mass of the body times the square of its velocity.
  • potential free energy: The energy an object has because of its position (in a gravitational or electrical field) or its condition (every bit a stretched or compressed spring, as a chemical reactant, or by having rest mass)
  • conservative force: A force with the holding that the work washed in moving a particle between two points is independent of the path taken.

Problem-solving Strategy

You should follow a series of steps whenever you are problem solving:

Pace One

Determine the organisation of interest and identify what information is given and what quantity is to be calculated. For example, let'south assume you have the problem with automobile on a roller coaster. You know that the cars of a roller coaster reach their maximum kinetic free energy ([latex]\text{KE}[/latex]) when at the bottom of their path. When they first rising, the kinetic free energy begins to exist converted to gravitational potential energy ([latex]\text{PE}_\text{thousand}[/latex]). The sum of kinetic and potential energy in the system should remain constant, if losses to friction are ignored.


Determining Free energy: The cars of a roller coaster attain their maximum kinetic energy when at the bottom of their path. When they start ascension, the kinetic energy begins to be converted to gravitational potential energy. The sum of kinetic and potential free energy in the system remains constant, ignoring losses to friction.

Pace Ii

Examine all the forces involved and decide whether you know or are given the potential energy from the work done by the forces. So use step iii or step 4.

Pace Three

If you lot know the potential energies ([latex]\text{PE}[/latex]) for the forces that enter into the problem, and so forces are all conservative, and you can utilise conservation of mechanical energy simply in terms of potential and kinetic energy. The equation expressing conservation of free energy is: [latex]\text{KE}_\text{i}+\text{PE}_\text{i}=\text{KE}_\text{f}+\text{PE}_\text{f}[/latex].

Pace 4

If y'all know the potential energy for only some of the forces, then the conservation of energy law in its most general course must exist used:


where [latex]\text{OE}[/latex] stand for all other energies, and [latex]\text{W}_{\text{nc}}[/latex] stands for piece of work washed past non-conservative forces. In most issues, one or more of the terms is zip, simplifying its solution. Do not calculate [latex]\text{W}_\text{c}[/latex], the work done by conservative forces; it is already incorporated in the [latex]\text{PE}[/latex] terms.

Pace V

You accept already identified the types of piece of work and energy involved (in step two). Before solving for the unknown, eliminate terms wherever possible to simplify the algebra. For example, choose height [latex]\text{h} = 0[/latex] at either the initial or last indicate—this will allow to set [latex]\text{PE}_\text{g}[/latex] at zero. Then solve for the unknown in the customary fashion.

Stride Six

Check the answer to see if information technology is reasonable. Once you have solved a problem, reexamine the forms of piece of work and free energy to meet if y'all have prepare the conservation of energy equation correctly. For case, piece of work washed against friction should be negative, potential energy at the bottom of a hill should exist less than that at the top, and so on.

Energy conservation: Part of a series of videos on physics problem-solving. The problems are taken from "The Joy of Physics. " This one deals with energy conservation. The viewer is urged to break the video at the problem statement and work the trouble before watching the residuum of the video.

Problem Solving with Dissipative Forces

In the presence of dissipative forces, total mechanical energy changes by exactly the amount of work washed by nonconservative forces (Westwardc).

Learning Objectives

Express the energy conservation human relationship that can be applied to solve bug with dissipative forces

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • Using the new energy conservation relationship [latex]\text{KE}_\text{i} + \text{PE}_\text{i} + \text{W}_{\text{nc}} = \text{KE}_\text{f} + \text{PE}_\text{f}[/latex], we tin use the aforementioned problem-solving strategy every bit with the example of conservative forces.
  • The most important point is that the amount of nonconservative work equals the change in mechanical energy.
  • The piece of work done by nonconservative (or dissipative) forces will irreversibly dissipated in the system.

Key Terms

  • dissipative strength: A force resulting in dissipation, a process in which energy (internal, bulk menses kinetic, or system potential) is transformed from some initial form to some irreversible concluding course.


Nosotros take seen a trouble-solving strategy with the conservation of free energy in the previous section. Here we will prefer the strategy for bug with dissipative forces. Since the work washed by nonconservative (or dissipative) forces will irreversibly modify the energy of the organisation, the total mechanical energy (KE + PE) changes by exactly the amount of work done past nonconservative forces (Westc). Therefore, we obtain [latex]\text{KE}_\text{i} + \text{PE}_\text{i} + \text{Westward}_{\text{nc}} = \text{KE}_\text{f} + \text{PE}_\text{f}[/latex], where KE and PE represent kinetic and potential energies respectively. Therefore, using the new energy conservation relationship, we can apply the same problem-solving strategy as with the case of conservative forces.


Consider the state of affairs shown in, where a baseball game actor slides to a stop on level ground. Using energy considerations, calculate the altitude the 65.0-kg baseball game player slides, given that his initial speed is half-dozen.00 yard/s and the forcefulness of
against him is a constant 450 North.


Fig one: The baseball histrion slides to a terminate in a altitude d. In the process, friction removes the player'southward kinetic energy past doing an amount of work fd equal to the initial kinetic free energy.

Strategy: Friction stops the player by converting his kinetic free energy into other forms, including thermal energy. In terms of the work-energy theorem, the piece of work done past friction (f), which is negative, is added to the initial kinetic energy to reduce information technology to zero. The work washed by friction is negative, because f is in the opposite management of the motion (that is, θ=180º, and and so cosθ=−1). Thus Westnc=−fd. The equation simplifies to [latex]\frac{1}{2} \text{m} \text{v}_\text{i}^2 - \text{fd} = 0[/latex].

Solution: Solving the previous equation for d and substituting known values yields, nosotros get d = 2.60 thou. The virtually important point of this instance is that the amount of nonconservative work equals the change in mechanical energy.


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